
Victoria : 1837-06-20 - 1901-01-22

165 to 117 years old. Map of locations

The first postbox was installed in 1852 in Jersey. The first mainland postbox was installed in 1853.

Edward VII : 1901-01-22 - 1910-05-06

108 to 117 years old. Map of locations

George V : 1910-05-06 - 1936-01-20

82 to 108 years old. Map of locations

Edward VIII : 1936-01-20 - 1936-12-11

82 years old. Map of locations

George VI : 1936-12-11 - 1952-02-06

66 to 82 years old. Map of locations

Elizabeth II : 1952-02-06 - 2022-09-08

Up to 66 years old. Map of locations

Charles III : 2022-09-08 - now

Up to 1 years old. Map of locations


Postboxes in Scotland typically have a crown as the cypher. Some locations outside Scotland also have the crown as the cypher. Map of locations

No cypher

Some postboxes have no cypher at all. Map of locations


All of the map links on this page use Turf.js and Mapbox to create dynamic hub and spoke maps. It uses code written by William B. Davis and then adapted by Garrett Dash Nelson - and then lightly tweaked by Alasdair Rae and finally by me.

The postbox locations are from OpenStreetMap and is © OpenStreetMap contributors.